The OHP blog is no longer active -- instead, click here to subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter!
You can still check out our old OHP blog posts below. There are topics related to HIV planning, including health equity, Planning Council business, and more dating back to 2010.

Health Reform and You: Part 1
May 9, 2013
Before we get into the specifics about how health reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affect the lives and health insurance status of people living with HIV/AIDS, we should make sure everyone understands the basics of the law. If you already...
Policy Update for Providers
May 6, 2013
There has been so much going on in health policy over the last several weeks, especially concerning how Ryan White service providers are going to be doing business in the era of health reform. I pulled together several (but certainly not all) of...
Policy Update for Community Planners
May 2, 2013
There has been a lot of activity in the HIV policy world over the last several weeks. There has been so much going on that I decided to break up all the news and highlights into three blog posts. This post is for community planners, the other two...