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Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals

Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals

HRSA Service Definition


Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals refers to the provision of actual food items, hot meals, or a voucher program to purchase food. This also includes the provision of essential non-food items that are limited to the following:

  • Personal hygiene products
  • Household cleaning supplies
  • Water filtration/purification systems in communities where issues of water safety exist

Program Guidance:
Unallowable costs include household appliances, pet foods, and other non-essential products.

See Medical Nutrition Therapy. Nutritional services and nutritional supplements provided by a registered dietitian are considered a core medical service under the RWHAP.

Number of Clients Served, Units Provided, Expenditures*, Allocation, Over/Under-spending

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Food/Meals Clients 2,941 2,713 2,459 2,677 2,213 2,181 2,168
Food/Meals Units (meals) 80,481 69,407 294,609 78,410 33,089 35,452 87,312
Food/Meals Dollars $688,982 $610,731 $538,026 $836,044 $685,475 $514,127 $710,093
Allocated Dollars $311,927 $332,308 $334,355 $328,051 $326,466 $326,110 $332,512
Over/ Underspending $377,055 over $288,423 over $203,671 over $507,997 over $359,009 over $188,017 over $377,581 over

*The increase to food bank was due to the availability of carry over and underspending. This year there will not be any carryover from the previous year's underspending.

Funding by Part, and info on any other payers

Total Part A Funds (Formula + Supp.) MAI Total Part B Funds (Formula + Supp. NJ) Total Part B Funds (Formula + Supp. PA) Total Part C EIS Funds (State & Local) Total Part D Funds (State & Local) Total Part F Funds
Last Year Allocation $326,110 $453,165
Current Allocation $338,953

Consumer survey info 2017 n=392

n Used in the last 12 months Needed but did not get (last 12 months)
Food Bank/Home-delivered Meals 158 75.3% 23.5%

Community Survey 2022 Service Responses n=236

I never personally needed this service I needed this service and received it I needed but did not get this service I never heard of this service
Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals 32.63% 32.63% 6.36% 4.66%

Unmet need

For the purposes of this document, need is based on the response of a consumer when asked if there was a service they needed. MMP interviews patients in care and asks consumers if they need a service and if they receive it. Client services unit data identifies needs at the time of initial intake.

2015-18 MMP Percent with a Need 2021 Client Services Unit Need at Intake
Food Bank/Home-delivered Meals 7.1% 47.9%

Recipient Service Considerations

Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals

The number of clients receiving meals under Part A remained relatively stable this year, with 13 (-0.6%) fewer clients compared to FY21. The number of meals provided, however, increased by 51,860 (146.3%) meals.

Expenditures increased by 38.1%, while the average cost per unit of service decreased by 44% ($14.50 to $8.13).