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Medical Transportation

Medical Transportation

HRSA Service Definition

Medical Transportation is the provision of nonemergency transportation services that enables an eligible client to access or be retained in core medical and support services.

Program Guidance:

Medical transportation may be provided through:

  • Contracts with providers of transportation services
  • Mileage reimbursement (through a non-cash system) that enables clients to travel to needed medical or other support services, but should not in any case exceed the established rates for federal Programs (Federal Joint Travel Regulations provide further guidance on this subject)
  • Purchase or lease of organizational vehicles for client transportation programs, provided the recipient receives prior approval for the purchase of a vehicle
  • Organization and use of volunteer drivers (through programs with insurance and other liability issues specifically addressed)
  • Voucher or token systems

Unallowable costs include:

  • Direct cash payments or cash reimbursements to clients
  • Direct maintenance expenses (tires, repairs, etc.) of a privately-owned vehicle
  • Any other costs associated with a privately-owned vehicle such as lease, loan payments, insurance, license, or registration fees

Number of Clients Served, Units Provided, Expenditures, Allocation, and Over/Under-spending

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Transportation Clients 2,359 2,651 2,483 2,545 1,373 1,930 1,667
Transportation Units (one-way trip) 28,658 34,702 28,891 36,972 12,185 23,001 13,487
Transportation Dollars $448,962 $534,622 $561,430 $580,520 $498,372 $779,795 $678,901
Allocated Dollars $438,288 $451,205 $444,351 $493,312 $493,248 $493,118 $528,958
Over/ Underspending $10,674 over $83,417 over $117,079 over $87,208 over $5,124 over $286,667 over $145,943 over

Funding by Part, and info on any other payers

Total Part A Funds (Formula + Supp.) MAI Total Part B Funds (Formula + Supp. NJ) Total Part B Funds (Formula + Supp. PA) Total Part C EIS Funds (State & Local) Total Part D Funds (State & Local) Total Part F Funds
Last Year Allocation $528,958 $115,168
Current Allocation $583,768

Consumer survey info 2017 n=392

n Used in the last 12 months Needed but did not get (last 12 months)
Medical Transportation Services 145 69.7% 30.3%

Community Survey 2022 Service Responses n=236

I never personally needed this service I needed this service and received it I needed but did not get this service I never heard of this service
Medical Transporation Services 30.93% 36.44% 5.93% 2.12%

Unmet need

For the purposes of this document, need is based on the response of a consumer when asked if there was a service they needed. MMP interviews patients in care and asks consumers if they need a service and if they receive it. Client services unit data identifies needs at the time of initial intake.

2015-18 MMP Percent with a Need 2021 Client Services Unit Need at Intake
Medical Transportation Services 8.5% 61.7%

Recipient Service Considerations

Medical Transportation Services

In FY22, 263 (-13.6%) fewer clients received 9,514 (-41.4%) fewer one-way or round trips than in the previous year. Expenditures also decreased by 13.5%.

In FY22, subrecipients were required to begin entering one unit of service per one-way trip or round trip, instead of one unit for a one-way trip and two units per round trip. This contributed to the decline in units.