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You can still check out our old OHP blog posts below. There are topics related to HIV planning, including health equity, Planning Council business, and more dating back to 2010.

Map of Philadelphia HIV/AIDS Epidemic
May 8, 2012
The map shows the number of HIV cases by census tract (division of population used by the US Census Bureau). This map is a part of the 2011 geographical risk analysis, which examined what community factors (crime, death rates, income, etc.) were...
What is RWPC?
Feb. 10, 2012
Have you been wondering what on earth this "Planning Council" is? Watch this short Prezi and find out!
2012 Ryan White Allocations
Oct. 5, 2011
Every year, the Philadelphia EMA Ryan White Planning Council (RWPC) hosts three Allocations meetings for each region in the Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA) to plan its budget for the next year. One meeting is for the New Jersey counties (Salem...