FY2025 Allocations Decisions and Data:

This page has all the information on the FY2025 process that happened in July of 2024. Keep reading for the finalized decisions and all the information we used to get there.

Budget Decisions

Click above to read the FY2025 Budget Decisions in PDF format or continue reading below:


(Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Salem Counties)

LEVEL: All funded service categories are to remain at level funding for NJ Counties as currently allocated in FY2024 with the $43,609 increase distributed proportionately.

5% DECREASE: Working from the New Level Funding Budget, all funded service categories are to be proportionately decreased by 5% with the exception of Transportation Services.

5% INCREASE: Starting with the New Level Funding Budget, the 5% increase is to be put towards Transportation Services while all other service categories are to remain at level funding budget.


(Bucks, Delaware, Chester, and Montgomery Counties)

LEVEL: All funded service categories are to remain at level funding for PA Counties as currently allocated in FY2024 with the $23,503 decrease distributed proportionately.

5% DECREASE: Working from the New Level Funding budget, all funded service categories are to be proportionately decreased by the 5% decrease of $153,617.

5% INCREASE: Working from the Old Level Funding budget, the 5% increase of $177,120 is to be proportionately distributed amongst all funded service categories.


LEVEL: All funded service categories are to remain at the level funding for Philadelphia County as currently allocated in FY2024.

5% DECREASE: Working from the Old Level Funding Budget, all funded service categories are to be proportionately decreased by the 5% decrease of $593,994.

5% INCREASE: Working from the Old Level Funding Budget, all funded service categories are to be proportionately increased by the 5% increase of $593,994.

Directive Decisions

Click above to read the FY2025 Directive Decisions in PDF format or continue reading below:

  • PA Counties & Philadelphia County: Ascertain the need for increased mental health and substance use (outpatient) services in Philadelphia and PA Counties*, including surveying existing mental health and substance use (outpatient) providers and their accessibility.

  • NJ Counties, PA Counties, and Philadelphia County: Work with the HIPC’s Positive Committee to make available a list of defined RW services by region, especially EFA and EFA-Housing, within all provider offices – clients should be told to call CSU intake or talk to Case Managers for more information on the list; DHH is to make the list available and report back to CPC and Positive Committee at the time of the 3rd Quarter Report.

  • NJ Counties, PA Counties, and Philadelphia County: Increase access to and awareness of telehealth options to medical and social service care; Request more data and information on challenges and successes** for telehealth services by service category as measured by CAREWare to report back to HIPC within the FY.

  • NJ Counties, PA Counties, and Philadelphia County: Encourage outreach to aging populations to ensure they are informed about funded services; look into how PLWH 50+ are receiving information and report back to the HIPC within the FY.

— Making Allocations for the RW Part A EMA —

One of the Planning Council's major responsibilities is allocating RW (Ryan White) Part A funds within the Philadelphia area. This process happens every year. The allocations process is led by the Finance Committee, but happens over the course of several special meetings each summer. There are three major allocations meetings: one for Philadelphia, one for the PA Collar Counties, and one for Southern NJ. The process is conducted regionally, but all budgets are presented to the Planning Council for discussion and voting.

The Planning Council considers a great deal of information when making decisions about allocations. Below, you can download the allocations materials that will be used in the 2024 allocations meetings. You can also view an online version of the materials here.

***Register for Allocations***

Above, you will find the interactive regional Allocations flyers for the NJ Counties, PA Counties, and Philadelphia Allocations meetings. Please download and distribute these flyers. The flyers contain information and registration links for each of the virtual Allocations meetings.

You can also follow this link to register for the regional allocations meetings.

— Preparation for FY2025 Allocation Process —

Above you will find an introductory PowerPoint (created June 2024) and Video (2020) to help you understand the FY2025 Allocations Process.

Click here to view the FY2025 Allocations Preparation Worksheet on Google Drive

Above, you will find a worksheet designed to help you think through any proposed changes for your FY2025 regional Ryan White Part A Budgets. It is available in PDF form and on Google Drive.


Click here to view the FY2025 Allocations Preparation Checklist on Google Drive

Above, you will find a checklist designed to help you organize how you prepare for the FY2025 Allocations process. It is available in PDF form and on Google Drive.


Click here to see if you are prepared!

This assessment is designed to help you prepare for participating in the Regional Allocations process. You will earn points for reviewing training and documents and answering questions correctly.

— FY2025 Allocations Materials —

Funding & Priorities

Above, you will find the following materials for FY2025 Allocations:

  • 2024 Allocations Service Category Booklet
  • Other Regional Funding by Service Category (EMA-Wide, PA Counties, NJ Counties, Philadelphia)
  • Funding % by Service Category for RW Part A (EMA-Wide, NJ Counties, PA Counties, Philadelphia)
  • Other Regional Funding (EMA-Wide, NJ Counties, PA Counties, Philadelphia)
  • Priority Setting from HIPC 2022

Utilization of Services & Data

Above, you will find the following materials for FY2025 Allocations:

  • 2021 EMA HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data (RW Clients versus total EMA, Philadelphia County, PA Counties, & NJ Counties)
  • Epidemiological Update (Philadelphia and EMA-Wide)
  • CSU (2023), MMP (2020-2022), and Consumer Survey (2022) Data
  • 2022 Consumer Survey Data (responses to service category needs & accessibility)
  • FY2023-2024 Final Expenditure Report (final invoices are not included in report; updates appear within other materials)

Additional Resources

  • In order to make Part A allocations decisions, the Planning Council follows a formal, documented process. That process is provided above.
  • Conflict of Interest is a characteristic of the nature of the Planning Body. A conflict of interest is an actual or perceived interest by a Planning Body member in an action which results in personal, professional, or organizational gain. Read more about Conflict of Interest in the PDF above.
  • Philadelphia 2022 Consumer Survey Results (PDF) breaks down the service needs to represent answers from the Philadelphia portion of our EMA. This part of the Consumer Survey asked respondents to review each service category and determine if any of the 4 following options were true in the past 12 months: (1) never personally needed service, (2) personally needed and received service, (3) personally needed but did not receive service, and (4) never heard of service.
  • PA 2022 Consumer Survey Results (PDF) breaks down the service needs to represent answers from the PA portion of our EMA. This part of the Consumer Survey asked respondents to review each service category and determine if any of the 4 following options were true in the past 12 months: (1) never personally needed service, (2) personally needed and received service, (3) personally needed but did not receive service, and (4) never heard of service.
  • NJ 2022 Consumer Survey Results (PDF) breaks down the service needs to represent answers from the NJ portion of our EMA. This part of the Consumer Survey asked respondents to review each service category and determine if any of the 4 following options were true in the past 12 months: (1) never personally needed service, (2) personally needed and received service, (3) personally needed but did not receive service, and (4) never heard of service.
  • Telehealth Consumer Survey 2022 are the results from the survey's questions around telehealth preference and accessibility.
  • The Planning Council also has a formal process for the reallocation of Part A funds throughout the year. You can read it above.
  • Above you will find HRSA's expenditure report from FY2017. Feel free to review how other EMAs are allocating Part A funds.

— Check out least year's FY2024 Decisions —

Above are the FY2024 Allocations Decisions approved by the HIPC in August 2023.

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