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You can still check out our old OHP blog posts below. There are topics related to HIV planning, including health equity, Planning Council business, and more dating back to 2010.

The EMA Ryan White consumer survey results are here!
Feb. 14, 2019

This is a big deal. Almost 400 people living with HIV told us about the services they use and the kinds of problems they had getting what they need. And lots of other things too. You’ll have to read the report to get all the details. But...
ICYMI The Positive Committee newsletter is back!
Oct. 10, 2017
The Positive Committee launched the revamped newsletter in August. You can get your copy...
#HIVTalkBack - we're listening!
Nov. 23, 2016

It's survey time again! Every 5 years or so, the Planning Council sends out a survey to our nine-county area's Ryan White clients. The survey asks questions about challenges getting medical...